
Electronic Components

  • Integrated Circuits (IC’s)
  • Transistors
  • Triacs
  • LCD’s & Displays
  • Diodes
  • Trimpots& Potentiometers
  • Crystals & Resonators
  • LEDS
  • Resistors & Capacitors
  • Mosfets & IGBT
  • IC Base & Connectors
  • Tantalums & Multi layersWe also deal with SMD and DIP components.
  • We focus on the need of the customers and recommend the best solution all time.

Electronic Display Board

  • Electronic Moving Message Display (English or Multilanguage)
  • Electronic Token Display/Q-matic Token Display for banks, Doctors, and Airline Offices.
  • Electronic Bank Interest Rate Boards.
  • Electronic Price Boards for Jewelers and Retail Outlets.
  • Electronic Currency Board for Money Changers / Foreign Exchange Dealers.
  • Electronic Notice Board for 5 Star Hotel banquets and Corporate office Reception.
  • Electronic Calendar Clocks.
  • Electronic Master/Slave clocks for factories, offices, hospitals, R&D labs and multiplex Theaters.
  • Electronic Target board for industries to display the actual production.
  • Electronic Online production status board.
  • Electronic Safety display (At work place).